Electric Fences

I.C. Engineering Ltd offers a technologically advanced High Voltage Electric Fence & Alarm System which successfully deters unauthorized persons from illegally entering your property.

It has been documented that the occurrence of theft, burglary and infringement onto properties by intruders is significantly diminished wherever electric fencing has been installed. We supply and install this affordable yet highly effective system to protect your property. This is the first line of defense and it enhances the ability to detect and respond to break-ins or intrusion immediately.

The intruder will get a short, sharp, painful but non-lethal, safe high voltage electric shock (5,000 – 10,000 volts) once he touches or cut any of the electric fence wires they are designed to pack a wallop you won’t forget nor try a second time. If the intruder persists on breaching the fence an alarm will immediately be sounded triggering the Siren & Strobe Light it also provides a psychological and physical barrier that can even integrate with other security equipment.

I.C.Engineering Ltd has adopted the joint Australian/New Zealand standard – AS/NZS 3016, 2002 as the yardstick for all installations. This document is a development of the first ever Code of Practice for the use of electric security fencing technology initiated by the New Zealand Ministry of Commerce in 1993 and has since been copied internationally.

They are inexpensive to operate generally to more than a 40 watt light bulb per day and uses 110V, in the event of a power failure there is a back up battery power that last up to 24 hours. Electric Fences are the least intrusive/invasive fencing system you can build. The wires almost fade into the background and permit clear viewing through them and they are probably the least costly fence to build.

Download our ICE Electric Fence Brochure